Why brain health?
Brain health and cognitive performance are arguably the most important functions in our system. Essential to live our best life.
The incidence of diseases like Alzheimer’s is increasing exponentially yet only a small percentage of the risk of getting Alzheimer’s is actually attributed to our genetics.
The vast majority of risks are caused by contributing factors such as the impact of our environment, our eating habits and our general lifestyle. These are all measurable and therefore, most importantly, modifiable. The future of our brain is in our hands, not our genetics.
And brain function goes well beyond memory and concentration. From clarity of thought and creativity to regulation of hormones, from sleep quality to emotional and mental health, from motor skills to vision and pain perception and of course the regulation of our automatic behaviours such as breathing, heart rate, temperature.
But perhaps most important: our brain makes us ‘who we are’. And yet – it is the organ least examined!