Brain Health

We combine advanced technology, cutting-edge science, a holistic approach, and leading clinicians to deliver precise health strategies – helping identify conditions, supporting recovery, offering reassurance, and optimising brain health and performance.

Brain Health

Why brain health?

Brain health and cognitive performance are arguably the most important functions in our system. Essential to live our best life.

The incidence of diseases like Alzheimer’s is increasing exponentially yet only a small percentage of the risk of getting Alzheimer’s is actually attributed to our genetics.

The vast majority of risks are caused by contributing factors such as the impact of our environment, our eating habits and our general lifestyle. These are all measurable and therefore, most importantly, modifiable. The future of our brain is in our hands, not our genetics.

And brain function goes well beyond memory and concentration. From clarity of thought and creativity to regulation of hormones, from sleep quality to emotional and mental health, from motor skills to vision and pain perception and of course the regulation of our automatic behaviours such as breathing, heart rate, temperature.
But perhaps most important: our brain makes us ‘who we are’. And yet – it is the organ least examined!

Viavi brain health services and fees

1. The Viavi Brain Evaluation and Strategy

The Viavi brain evaluation service is the most in-depth assessment globally for brain and cognitive performance, including cutting-edge biomarkers. This, combined with expert interpretation of the data in an integrated and holistic manner, enables a personal strategy to be crafted focussing on the absolute priorities for each person.

Whether you want to proactively optimise your brain and cognitive performance, not only now but throughout life. Whether someone close to you has had Alzheimers and you want to do all you can to reduce the risk for yourself. Or whether you are already struggling with brain fog, brain fatigue, insomnia, memory or concentration problems, sleep disturbances or hormonal imbalances. Whatever the reason, you will need relevant data to be able to address the potential underlying causes as well as reduce future risk and optimise performance, in a precise and timely manner.

The scientifically underpinned Viavi brain evaluation and strategy service does exactly that. It looks at genetic predispositions, brain structure, brain mapping and cognitive performance as well as neuro-hormones, blood-brain barrier, and Tau protein and amyloid plaque, and an extensive range of biomarkers that could be harmful to the brain together with markers that are beneficial to the brain.

Core service

Year one:£12,000

Supplementary investigations arranged or ongoing management available at an additional fee if clinically indicated or requested by the client.

2. The pTau 217 Blood Test and Advice

The pTau 217 test is a new cutting-edge blood biomarker that has recently emerged from research. This investigation provides an early indicator of amyloid plaque formation, Tau protein, in the brain. Beta amyloid plaque is strongly linked to Alzheimer’s disease, so the test helps determine possible risk, often many years before symptoms would emerge.

The scientific understanding of Alzheimer’s risk factors – including the possible drivers for plaque formation – is now sufficiently understood. This enables the Viavi clinician, based on their unique expertise in the field, to provide an action plan or advice on how to help reduce the risk of future disease progression as well as optimise brain health and cognitive performance.

Year one:£1,000

Supplementary investigations arranged or ongoing management available at an additional fee if clinically indicated or requested by the client.

I originally baulked at the cost – but then realised that the cost of this health management was less than I was paying for wealth management. For me, health management should be as important as wealth management. For me, Viavi is the Private Bank of Health.